Hilary är så snäll!
Kolla den här videon o ni förstår vad jag menar. Hon är snäll och oegoistisk och hjälper andra!
Hilary och Joel, aww.
Det verkar som att Joel Madden inte är klar med hilary än på ett tag. det här är en riktigt gullig liten video :)
Good Charlotte - Joel Madden
Good charlotte har gjort en låt som heter "Keep Your Hands Off My Girl". Då kan man ju undra om den är riktad till Hilary . Men så här har Joel själv skrivit i ett mail.
NO this song is not about my girlfriend or any other girl in particular. Once again people are missing that good ol' Good Charlotte sarcasm.......anyways. This is a song Benj and I wrote late in the studio one night while making this record. We were just messin around with it on the mic and before you know it we had ourselves a song, everybody was laughin and having a good time, so we named it, cleaned it up, fed it and now it's ours.... If you're asking what the song is about, I'm gonna let you figure that one out. I will say that we want you to have a good time while you listen. We wanna make you feel good, and make ya move. That's about it. I can say this song is very different from most of the other tracks on GOOD MORNING REVIVAL! , it's lyrical content and it's sound, but it fits nicely with all the songs as a whole body of work. I hope you kids enjoy it.
It's posted now at our site and on our MySpace page, and after that we'll be puttin up remixes of the song from different artists such as the faint and jr. sanchez. I hope you kids turn it up loud and get on down on your computers with this song. This is not our single just something different we wanted to share with you 'cause it's been so long. Please enjoy the song and we will see you at the shows on the upcoming tour (we'll be giving out CDRs of the song at the shows). You'll be hearing more new music then, too
We want to say thanks always letting us grow with each record and for being so damn dedicated and supportive. We love you kids and we'll see you soon!
-- Joel