Girlfriend artikeln med Hilarys intervju.
Stalkers, break-ups, and box office bombs - the past year has been anything but smooth for the pop princess, Hilary Duff, 19. Luckily, the name of her new album, Dignity isn’t just a fancy title - Hils has always been the most sensible of the hollywoods teen scene, and, to borrow a line from our favourite punk-pop boys, faced all the challenges with a sense of and rationality (thanks, Panic!). Now with a mature new look, a fragrance line (With Love… Hilary Duff) and a sexy sound, Hils is set to take by storm all over again.
Hey Hilary, how are you feeling about your new record?
It’s really exciting. I’ve been living with it for a while and i just want people to hear it now. I want to see people dance to it. I wrote the whole thing, which is something I’ve never done before.This time i was like, "I want to do it all". I knew i wanted to do a dance record but still a record that meant stuff. There are so many records on the air that are like," Shake your ass, blah blah blah". I love that kind of music, but i wanted my record to have some meaning, too.Do you ever feel trapped by the fact that a lot of your fans are still tweens?
For a while i did. There’s a certain feeling you go through when you’re my age and everyone knows who you are and they’ve watched you grow up.You feel scared to do something different, but you get to a point where you’re like "Well, I’ve got to do things that make me happy. I have to challenge myself ". I’m not that kind of person to go off and act crazy like some people. I know who I’m, I know what I’m capable of, and I’m going to work hard to get what i want. I think it looks stupid when people turn 19 and then do everything they can do to rebel against who they’ve been.It looks like your not mature at all.