Hilary Duff Disney Adventures India

Hilary Duff talks to Disney Adventure Magazine in India for their August 2007 edition. 

Q Do you prefer acting to singing or doing both simoultaneously?
A I love both, but if I were to pick one, I?d say singing.
Q Who are your favorite singers? Do you idolize anyone?
A I love Nelly Furtardo! I think she?s really cool. I love how she started out and where she?s reached now. Everything about her just works.
Q If you could be or play the voice of a Disney character, who would it be?
A I loved Minnie Mouse when I was little.
Q Do you have a message for the readers of Disney Adventures?
A Hey guys! Thanks so much for your love and support for Lizzie! Remember, always follow your dreams. Love you!
Q Your mom is super cool! What is your relationship with her?
A My mom, my sister and I have always had an incredible relationship. She?s (mom is) smart and tough. And there?s still so much for me to learn from her. But I need her in a different way now than I did when I was 16.
Q What was it like playing Lizzie McGuire?s character?
A It was a great experience - quite like a normal teen?s life.
Q What intrigues you the most about India?
A I haven?t been to India as yet but I?ve heard its beautiful! I would love to visit.

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