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Wrapped With Love.
Där uppe är det den nya parfymen av Hilary, ?Wrapped with Love' och lådan. Jag är väldigt imponerad av designen, väldigt vackert!
Hilary och Kelly Osborne
Hilary och Kelly Osborne lämnade Waverly Inn restaurant and bar i LA den 20 December. Hilarys hår är så himla vackert nu, eller hur? Och hela outfiten är jätte fin, och väskan!
Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff and Susan Duff are above photographed leaving the Harris County Family Law Center today. The family appeared in court today for the divorce hearing between Susan Duff and Bob Duff.
Susan Duff asked the court that her husband pay her living expenses while the divorce is pending. Susan Duff has not worked since 1988 and has been supported for many years by Hilary and Haylie.
The judge ordered Bob Duff to pay $100,000 in temporary support over five months, beginning in January, in addition to a previously ordered $100,000 for expenses and legal fees (as yet unpaid). A hearing is set for January to examine the prenuptial contract between Bob and Susan Duff.
Stansbury, a retired family court judge from Fort Bend County appointed to hear the case, also ordered Bob Duff to pay $150,000 of his wife's legal fees by Feb. 1, although he later suspended the order until a hearing set for next month to examine a prenuptial contract between Bob and Susan Duff.
An accountant said that the legal fees for this divorce, which was filed in the summer of 2006, are near $1 million.
Bob Duff, a godson of the late Houston philanthropist Audrey Jones Beck who owns a chain of convenience stores, among other business ventures, wasn't in court Thursday. After a hearing earlier this month, he acknowledged that the divorce has driven a wedge between him and his daughters.
"When this is over, I'm going to try to tell them my side of it," he said.
Hilary and Haylie are involved as ?intervenors' in the case regarding a trust of family land set up for them as children. The sisters are seeking information about a $720,000 loan their father made against this trust. Court documents on the case have been sealed.
Wrapped With Love.
Hilarys nya parfym kommer att bli släppt i Januari 2008 och den heter ?Wrapped With Love'.
Visst är re-designen av parfymen underbar?
Hilary på väg hem.
Hilary sågs tillsammans med sin söta hund Lola och ett fullt bagage på Vancouver's International Airport. Ser ut som att hon är på väg hem.
Gud vad jag älskar hennes hår, det är helt fantastiskt. Och sådana Chanel ballerina ska jag köpa någon gång, I love them!
Hilary på shopping

Hilary & Haylie på sushi lunch.
Hilary och hennes syster Haylie var ute och åt sushi lunch på en restaurang med en vän en dag. Dom ser ut att ha jätte roligt då alla ser jätte glada ut skrattar för fulla muggar :)
Hilary var fotad i Beverly Hills i helgas. Hon sågs gå till Barneys New York, Fred Segal, Maxfields, Chrome Hearts, Alessi och andra fantastiska shopping ställen. Hennes mamma var med, undra om dom var på julshopping? :)
Love the outfit anyways!
Cosmo bild
Hilary intervju från Cosmo.
Hilary Duff was quite candid in her latest magazine article in Cosmopolitan (January 2008).
Hilary Duff talks about body issues (and not letting them get to you!) and about marriage.
"There definitely was a time, about a year and a half ago, when I was pretty obsessed with my body and my weight," dishes the 20-year-old mogul in the January issue of Cosmopolitan on newsstands Tuesday. "But I'm better not stressing about my body all the time. It's not attractive when girls get superskinny. Guys don't like it. Girls don't like you as much. You lose some happiness when that's all you think about."
"It's not attractive when girls get super-skinny. Guys don't like it. Girls don't like you as much."
Hilary Duff says she's not ready for marriage - perhaps squashing some rumors that she and Mike Comrie are getting quite serious.
"I'm definitely not ready to get married," Duff, 20, tells Cosmopolitan in its January issue. "I think a reason that people in this business get married young is that they feel like everything comes to them sooner in life. It's normal to be like, ?Okay, what's next?' "
Safety glass.
Här är en bild på Hilary med några students of John Oliver Secondary i Vancouver, dom senaste dagarna har Hilary varit där för att filma "Safety Glass".

Hilary är underbart vacker på framsidan av Januari 2008 numret av på framsidan står det - "Hilary Duff: The Secret Reason She's Smiling" - sött!

Hilary på inspelning
Här är den första bilden på Hilary från inspelningen i Vancouver när hon spelar in 2008 filmen "Safety Glass":
Mer från LAX
Mer bilder på Hilary på LAX när hon åker från LA till Vancover, för att spela in filmen safty glass.