Grattis bästa Hilary
Även om jag lagt denna bloggen åt sidan det senaste året (kommer mest troligt tillbaka snart!) så måste jag ändå lägga in ett grattis till Hilary.
Hoppas du får världens bästa födelsedag.
Idag fyller min älskling 21 år, tänk vad tiden går fort. I LOVE YOU!!

Blessings in a backpack

Ps. hennes outfit är underbar!
#25 av 100 Most Beautiful Women for Maxim
"She started off as a teen TV sensation, went on to star in movies that grossed hundreds of millions of dollars, two of her albums topped the charts, she has her own fashion line and she's only 20. Feel like a faliure yet? Well, if not, watch Hilary as she takes on political satire while playing a Central Asian pop star in this spring's War, Inc. Is there anything she can't do?"
Press conference
Hilary news
2. The plan is to release "Greta" in either September or October. (According to execs from the film) They want to put up a release date by the end of this month.
3. HR still hasn't changed her album release time period schedule for some odd reason.
4. Hilary has a clause in her record contract that forbids her from talking openly about what she's working on musically. This is why she's been so mum about her recording career.
5. Hilary recorded "I Can't Wait" around April/May of 2002. So our girl Hilary has officially been in the music business for 6 years!
Hilary Duff On Controversial Miley Cyrus Pics: 'Who Am I To Judge?"
First, Jonas Brothers frontman Joe Jonas came to Miley Cyrus' defense, after snapshots showing her in her bra and underwear surfaced online. Now it seems that Hilary Duff is in the "Hannah Montana" star's corner too.
Tween star Duff told that she's not about to pass judgment on the 15-year-old pop sensation - and Disney's main moneymaker - just days after Cyrus issued a statement apologizing both for the controversial photos and for ones she'd taken for an upcoming Vanity Fair spread. Cyrus, who expressed embarrassment over the pictures, appears to be topless in the images, which were shot by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz.
In the statement, Cyrus said, "The pictures of me on the Internet were silly, inappropriate shots. I appreciate all the support of my fans, and hope they understand that along the way I am going to make mistakes and I am not perfect. I never intended for any of this to happen, and I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone. Most of all, I have let myself down. I will learn from my mistakes and trust my support team. My family and my faith will guide me through my life's journey."
"Everyone goes through things and takes their own path," Duff told People during a junket promoting her upcoming film, "War Inc." "Who am I to judge decisions that she made?"
Duff, however, said she would never elect to follow Cyrus' lead. "People are pushing you to do something, and if you want to do it, that's your choice, you know?" she said. "It's not what I would choose to do, but if she did, then that's fine. That's her choice."
Duff - who is 20 and has seemingly managed to evade the same pitfalls that have tarnished the reputations of contemporaries like Vanessa Hudgens, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears - said she has long relied on her family and friends to guide her professional decisions.
"I've had a lot of help from people," she explained. "It's a joint effort with my family and everyone helping me balance my life."
Hockey Is Hilary Duff's 'New Obsession'
Hilary Duff can put away her Hockey for Dummies book. She's a full-on fan now, thanks to boyfriend Mike Comrie of the New York Islanders.
"[Hockey] has kind of been a new obsession," Duff told PEOPLE at Monday night's premiere of her new film, War, Inc., at the Cadillac Lounge at Tenjune. "When I'm in New York, I'm going to hockey games a lot."
And Comrie returns the favor.
"He sits through days of press, of me doing interviews, like one after another after another, and doesn't complain about it," said Duff (who stars alongside John Cusack and Marisa Tomei in the offbeat political satire). "He was a good sport today."
The 27-year-old Comrie also joined Duff - wearing a black Dolce & Gabbana dress and Christian Louboutin pumps - at her premiere, part of the Tribeca Film Festival.
"It's fun to get all dressed up," said the 20-year-old. "I feel like I haven't done it in a long time."
After the screening, the two chatted with moviegoers before heading over to Meatpacking District hotspot Tenjune for the after-party.
The too-cute twosome held court in the VIP area with Duff's sister Haylie. But they only had eyes for each other, whispering and sharing brief kisses all evening.
Hilary Duff on Joining 90210 Spin-Off: "It's Not True"
Hilary Duff isn't 90210-bound after all.
Last week, reports surfaced that the singer has been offered a part on the upcoming CW spin-off.
But when asked by about starring on the show at a junket for her action film War, Inc., she said, "No, it's not true."
The show has landed another famous face, though.
Full House alum Lori Loughlin has signed on, a CW rep announced Monday.
She's been cast as Celia Mills, a former Olympic medalist and mother to central teens Annie and Dixon.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, writer Rob Thomas has also been looking to potentially recruit Jennie Garth to reprise her role as Kelly Taylor.
Hilary i Beverly Hills 900210?
Step aside, Shannen Doherty. Hilary Duff just might be the new face of Beverly Hills, 90210.
Sources connected to the series reveal exclusively that producers for the CW's 90210 remake have reached out to Hilary to offer her a starring role in the series.
No word yet on whether she is interested in the role and at press time, we have not received comment from reps for the CW or Hilary.
According to sources, Hilary's potential character is that of Annie Mills. As I reported last month, Annie is a Beverly Hills High student who is into theater acting, just like her predecessor. But instead of Color Me Badd, she's listening to emo bands. She yearns to fit in with the alternative crowd and leans a lot on her adopted brother, Dixon, too.
She likes to be on stage, and she's cute as a button...sounds like a perfect match for Hilary.
Disney Mobile
Hilary är modell för Disney Mobile, som har lanserat en ny mobil i Japan. Hilary har också gjort en nyversion av Mickey Mouse March för dem. Cute!
Keep your hands off my girl!
Men jag märkte för typ ett år sedan då "Keep your hands off my girl" med Good Charlotte var ny. Så fort jag såg videon för första gången så märkte jag det.
Halsbandet som är med i videon.. Ett exakt likadant har Hilary haft! Intressant...

Bara en liten rolig grej eftersom att det inte är några uppdateringar om Hilary idag.
Wrapped With Love.
Där uppe är det den nya parfymen av Hilary, ?Wrapped with Love' och lådan. Jag är väldigt imponerad av designen, väldigt vackert!
Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff and Susan Duff are above photographed leaving the Harris County Family Law Center today. The family appeared in court today for the divorce hearing between Susan Duff and Bob Duff.
Susan Duff asked the court that her husband pay her living expenses while the divorce is pending. Susan Duff has not worked since 1988 and has been supported for many years by Hilary and Haylie.
The judge ordered Bob Duff to pay $100,000 in temporary support over five months, beginning in January, in addition to a previously ordered $100,000 for expenses and legal fees (as yet unpaid). A hearing is set for January to examine the prenuptial contract between Bob and Susan Duff.
Stansbury, a retired family court judge from Fort Bend County appointed to hear the case, also ordered Bob Duff to pay $150,000 of his wife's legal fees by Feb. 1, although he later suspended the order until a hearing set for next month to examine a prenuptial contract between Bob and Susan Duff.
An accountant said that the legal fees for this divorce, which was filed in the summer of 2006, are near $1 million.
Bob Duff, a godson of the late Houston philanthropist Audrey Jones Beck who owns a chain of convenience stores, among other business ventures, wasn't in court Thursday. After a hearing earlier this month, he acknowledged that the divorce has driven a wedge between him and his daughters.
"When this is over, I'm going to try to tell them my side of it," he said.
Hilary and Haylie are involved as ?intervenors' in the case regarding a trust of family land set up for them as children. The sisters are seeking information about a $720,000 loan their father made against this trust. Court documents on the case have been sealed.
Wrapped With Love.
Hilarys nya parfym kommer att bli släppt i Januari 2008 och den heter ?Wrapped With Love'.
Visst är re-designen av parfymen underbar?
Are Mike & Hilary getting serious?
Sources say that Mike Comrie and Hilary Duff are getting serious. And that Mike may already be looking for an engagement ring!
The Hilary Duff-Mike Comrie thing is heating up. A source tells US Weekly the N.Y. Islanders/former Michigan forward is engagement ring shopping: "They're serious. He's whipped. He never goes out with his boys; he's all about Hilary."
Now, I don't think Hilary is the kind of girl to jump into a relationship that quickly, so I don't put too much weight on this gossip.
I know many of you have been leaving comments about this, so I thought I'd post the gossip for all to read. The news originates on E! - but as it was televised, it has no original source online.
Nicole avundsjuk?
According to US Weekly, Nicole Richie is quite jealous of Hilary Duff's relationship to Joel Madden. I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or just her personality, but she is, indeed, out of line:
A source tells Us Weekly that Nicole Richie, 26, teases Joel Madden, 28, about his two-and-a-half-year relationship with singer-actress Hilary Duff, 20.
"She will ask if he's going to watch Lizzie McGuire DVDs or listen to Hilary's albums," says the source. "Joel tells her she's being out of line."
Hilary doesn't make fun of Lindsay and Britney
The actress and singer Hilary Duff is sure that she will never be involved in any scandle that would hurt her family, but she also wouldn't make fun of her professional colleagues like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears.
"It saddens me to know when one does not look for help, not looking for the support of family or friends. I think that the first thing that someone must do: family, help me to improve, help me to leave this behind. Thats what they should have to do ", said the young actress.
Duff hopes Britney and Lindsay to recover soon of the problems they face.
Hilary Duff Waits on Tables
Hilary Duff plays the title character in the interracial teen romance "Greta," which is shooting on location in New Jersey.
Duff's character is a waitress who falls for an ambitious cook (Evan Ross) at the restaurant where they work. But as their summer romance heats up, she has to overcome the concerns of her grandparents (Ellen Burstyn, Michael Murphy) about her boyfriend's criminal past.
The comic drama marks music-video veteran Nancy Bardawil's feature directing debut.
Production of "Greta" is scheduled to be based in Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Neptune for the next four weeks, according to Steve Gorelick of the New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission in Newark.
"It's being made in the $1- to $2-million-dollar range," Gorelick said.
"Basically, the entire movie is being shot in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove so they can get a New Jersey tax credit," he said. "You qualify for a tax credit if you spend 60 percent or more of your budget in the state of New Jersey.
Okej, jag blir väldigt glad av att läsa teen romance så roligt :) Ser fram emot det!