Us Weekly

Hilary Duff?s Shape photoshoot är med på framsidan av US Weekly och är den första bikinibilden som är på framsidan av den tidningen. I tidningen är det också bilder på Hilarys 4th of July bikini bilder som en del av hennes  "beach body makeover" story. I intervjun pratar Hilary bla. om Frankie Delgadon, den biten har jag stopppat under bilderna. 

The Hilary?s New Beau? section:

Who gave Duff a piggyback ride into the waves and frolicked with her in the water? Club promoter Frankie Delgado. "We?re just friends," Duff tells US, adding that fellow partygoer Brody Jenner is also merely "a good friend of mine." The performer insists that she?s single - and savoring it. "I haven?t met anyone who has really excited me or made me want to be serious with him," she says. "So I?m having a really good time being alone and learning a lot about myself. It?s empowering!"

When asked about Nicole Richie being pregnant with Joel Madden?s baby, Hilary Duff insists there are no bad feelings and that Joel will be a "great dad."

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