Sewing Today Summer 2007

Today show
Vad tyckte ni om hennes "halva-vit-halva-guld"-naglar?

Seventeen Magazine

E! news
Hilary på E! news.
Det var ganska komiskt att dom tog samma bild på henne när hon hade det rosa linnet som jag tog i inlägget om att hon tyckte hon var för smal, jag hade inte ens sett den här då.
Hilary Duff felt too much pressure to be thin
Hilary Duff felt too much pressure to be thin
Hilary Duff once again admits that she felt enormous pressure to be thin and that, on her road to eating healthier, she took it too far:
Pop singer/actress Hilary Duff was so impressed with the results of her ?dessert or bread? diet, she went crazy and accepts she lost too much weight.
The "So Yesterday" singer stunned fans late last year when she appeared at a series of parties and launches looking waif-like and skinny.
The backlash made Duff take a long hard look at herself in the mirror?and she didn?t like what she saw.
She says, "I made a conscious choice to get in shape. I?ve always been a junk food eater, but I started paying more attention to what I put in my body and cut out foods like pizza, chicken fingers and French fries.
"If I knew I?d want dessert one night, I wouldn?t have bread that day. If I wanted to eat bread, I wouldn?t have dessert.
"Seeing how well it worked motivated me to keep going, but I hit a period when I got too skinny. I wasn?t too obsessed with it, but I did learn that there have to be days when you just don?t think about it."
Hilary tycker att hon är normal
She talked with TODAY co-host Meredith Vieira about "Dignity" and being 19 and living on her own with her 22-year-old sister, actress and singer Haylie Duff.
"We?re trying to learn how to cook so we can feed ourselves," she told Vieira. "Haylie?s better than I am, but I can bake, which is good."?
"Are you trying to be adult?" Vieira asked Duff.
"People have watched me grow up for such a long time that everybody thinks that it?s this huge, new thing that I?m trying to do," she said. There was no conscious decision involved. Rather, she said, "It?s like the first time that I wanted to write my own music and come up with my own sound.
"I?m a little bit older. It?s where I am in my life right now."?
"?Nineteen? and ?dignity? don?t go together" very often these days, Vieira observed before asking Duff what her secret is.
"I don?t know," she said. "I wish there was some kind of formula I could explain. I guess it?s just the way you want to be seen, and what you do in your personal time and how much you want the public to know about that.
"I?m very close to my family. I?m very normal. If I?m not working ? I work pretty much every day ? I hang out with my dog and I live with my sister."
She doesn?t rely on material things for security, she said, adding, "My band and my crew ? I rely on them and my dog."?
Hilary & Haylie, Hilary brukade klippa Haylies underkläder
Hilary & Haylie - sisterly antics
Here is a funny story about how Hilary Duff used to fight with Haylie:
HILARY DUFF used to destroy her sister HAYLIE?s underwear.
The Stranger singer has revealed she fought constantly with her older actress sister and would play cruel tricks on her.
Hilary, 19, told Top Of The Pops magazine: "If Haylie had friends over to stay when we were little and they left me out I?d freeze their underwear!
"I?d wet the knickers, put them in the freezer and snap them to ruin them."
But she said 22-year-old Haylie always got her own back.
"Whatever I did, Haylie always got me back. Older siblings know how to be good fighters ? when you?re younger you just hit back.
"I?m sure there were a couple of flying hairbrushes."
Hilary added: "When Haylie and I were really young and we played games together ? she?d always make me pretend to be a boy because I had short hair. I hated it!" her sister HAYLIE?s underwear.
The Stranger singer has revealed she fought constantly with her older actress sister and would play cruel tricks on her.
Hilary, 19, told Top Of The Pops magazine: "If Haylie had friends over to stay when we were little and they left me out I?d freeze their underwear!
"I?d wet the knickers, put them in the freezer and snap them to ruin them."
But she said 22-year-old Haylie always got her own back.
"Whatever I did, Haylie always got me back. Older siblings know how to be good fighters ? when you?re younger you just hit back.
"I?m sure there were a couple of flying hairbrushes."
Hilary added: "When Haylie and I were really young and we played games together ? she?d always make me pretend to be a boy because I had short hair. I hated it!"
En till bikini bild
Star magazine har publicerat en preview på Shape magazine med Hilary i en bikini - i previewn är det Hilary i en ny bikini.
Duff: "I got to thin"

Här är en video från fotograferingen av Hilary i bikini till tidningen Shape.
Extra bikinibild


Jag älskar hennes 'lätta' sminkning, så sött! Shortsen och scarfen och allt är bara MUMS!

Hilary i bikini
Hilary i Juli numret av Shape Magazine i en bikini.
Ja, det är Hilary i en bikini!
Och här intervju från tidningen;
Hilary Duff admits in the interview that it is hard to be in the public eye:
"Being in the public eye, it is really hard," she admits. "Everyone is constantly criticizing you and picking you apart. You see these magazines and people are enjoying themselves on the beach, and people are zooming in on their cellulite. They notice everything about their body. It is mean and it is hard to stay sane."
Now, Hilary Duff has a healthier attitude towards food and exercise - one that reveals her choices to live a strong and healthy life, rather than cave to pressures to be thin. Hilary is now involved with the "Stay fit. Eat right. Looking good, California!" campaign.
Here is some of what Hilary Duff reveals in her interview:
SELF: Are you in the best shape of your life?
Hilary Duff: My sister and I last year really started to motivate each other to eat better and work out together and lose weight. We used to be so bad. Jack in the Box was my weakness, burgers and pizza and dessert all the time. I can?t even believe I used to eat as badly as I did. French fries were an obsession also, and I completely stopped eating them a year ago. It?s funny that when you don?t let yourself have something for a while you don?t miss it as much.
How often do you do pilates?
I try to do pilates three times a week. It?s hard, though, because now I?ve told all my friends about my pilates instructor and my little secret place and now I can?t even get my own appointment! I?ll also go to the gym with my sister and friend and do cardio.
Like what?
I run on the treadmill. I start off in a power walk on a high incline to warm up so I won?t get cramps and stuff, and then I?ll lower it. I can?t jog on an incline. I?d be so tired! I also do the elliptical. I get really out of breath and get a headache on the treadmill, so the elliptical is better. Also, it works your arms.
Plus, there?s no danger of falling off!
You know what?s funny? I was at the gym yesterday with my best girlfriend and it was raining hard so our tennis shoes were wet. We were thinking what if we fall off and slip? And this really big guy did it. He fell off his treadmill. I was trying not to laugh but it was so funny. And it made this huge thud noise. We were like, thank God that wasn?t us!
You credit pilates with your weight loss.
With everything! Seriously, my body changed in three weeks. I?ve always been really muscular; that?s why pilates is good for me. I have broad shoulders and if I do weights or something I?ll bulk up and feel manly, but pilates lengthens me out. Also you feel really powerful.
Do you have an eating philosophy?
Eating should be fun. I did Atkins for three days and I was in the worst mood and so tired. I?m from Texas, so I?m a big meat eater, but I was like oh, no more! I believe in proportion. If I eat bread when they bring bread to the table, I won?t eat pasta or potatoes. Or I?ll try to not have the bread because I know I want dessert. A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
How would you eat differently if you had more time?
Probably I?d be able to have a more balanced diet. Because sometimes, I?ll eat something in the morning but then I could spend all day driving around going to meetings, doing this, doing that. I don?t have time to eat so I?ll be so starving for dinner that I?ll eat anything in sight. That?s when you get in trouble, I think. If you try to eat more throughout the day, then you?re more controlled. It helps a lot if I?m around my mom. She?s a diabetic, so she has to eat five times a day or else her blood sugar goes all crazy. That?s a good way to go about things.
You?re launching a new clothing line. You don?t show a lot of skin. Why don?t you have to expose everything to be sexy or look good?
When I feel sexy, I don?t always have fewer clothes on. My clothing line is for girls who are 7 to 14, so we?d never do [overtly sexy clothes] anyway, but I have a line coming out for girls who are 15 to 20 and it?ll be stuff I?d wear. I know when I wear something that?s a little more skimpy, there have been cases where I feel insecure about myself. I don?t feel confident. I?d rather wear a pencil skirt, something I?d feel sexy in. I just think that there is so much more about not showing off everything you have that?s sexy, and leaving sex to the imagination and feeling confident.
På Edgefest tog Katherine McPhee med sig sin hund Nena. Och Hilary, som är en hund älskare, träffade Nena.
Partaj del 2


Hilary Duff & Haylie Duff var ute den 22 Juni, jag gillar Haylies väska, den är så snygg. Och Hilarys sminkning är jätte fin tycker jag, och hennes klänning också, eller det man ser av den.
Party i Toronto

San Fernando Valley
Summer Solstice Party
Urban Outfitter

Apotek i Toronto

Vem klär den bäst?
Jag kollade för någon dag sen på när Nicole var på Jimmy Kimmel Live den 15 Juni, och kände såklart igen klänningen hon hade, likadan som Hilary har haft.
Hilary hade klänningen på Nickelodeon's 20th Annual Kids' Choice Awards, vem klär klänningen från Corey Lynn Calter bäst Hilary Duff, Nicole Richie eller Andrea Bowen?
Hollywood Life


MMVA afterparty

MMVA afterparty
Här är hon med Amber Tamblyn och John-Paul Ricchio.

Här är bilder på Hilary på röda mattan

När hon tar emot pris som Peoples' Choice International Artist

I pressroom efter att ha tagit emot priset


Sing it!
Hilary duff på MuchMusic Video Awards när hon sjunger, hon var verkligen toppen. Ett av hennes bästa uppträdanden, she is the best!
Favourite International Artist

Hilary Duff vann igår MuchMusic award for Favourite International Artist (folkets val) på the MuchMusic Video Awards.
Grattis babe, du förtjäna det :) <3<3


Hilary är ju som sagt i Toronto pga MuchMusic Video Awards 2007. Här är hon på repetition till det som är imorgon. Det här är taget 16 Juni. Hennes tröja är ju bara så söt! Och hårbandet i hennes perfekta svall, iih.




Hilary var i Normandie Elementary School 14 Juni, gillar hennes tröja o skor mycket. Hon är verkligen jätte fin i håret nu tycker jag, och hennes naglar är väldigt tjusiga :)
Nytt från Hils blogg
Having Fun! [ 6/11/2007 ]
- Posted by : Hilary
Where do I start? I have been having fun, this weekend we were in Sacramento for a radio show with 107.9 KDND. We had a ball. It was out doors, I got to chill out in good weather. I performed 12 songs with my band. There were other artists there like Gym Class Heroes, Katherine McPhee and The Click 5 and Ne-YO. We signed autographs and the fans were crazy hyped!! I have to say that I am having so much fun with my new band. Everyone is so cool and like laid back. We all just gel together. After the show, we went to a nice sushi place and laughed and talked and the hung out a little. I like Sacramento, it is a nice breath of fresh air.My weekend was good, I am back in LA and I only have rehearsal today for like 5 hours. We are getting ready for the summer tour! It?s new, exciting and different! Fatima, my choreographer has been challenging me and pushing me to places where I have never gone. I am learning and evolving and it feels good.
I gotta go to rehearsals, I?ll talk to you guys soon.

Hilary Duff & Haylie Duff på premiären av thrillern "1408" den 12 Juni last night. Filmensstjärna John Cusack, som Hilary spelar med i filmen "War Inc" var där. Och det är bilder på dom två tillsammans.
Jag gillar verkligen Hilarys kläder, så himla söta på henne, och skorna - MUMS!

Och någon har ritat ett hjärta på Hils hand och skrivit ett H på hennes 'fot'. Så sött :)

Hollywood Life
Hilary blogg
What a Week! [ 5/31/2007 ]
- Posted by : Hilary
It?s been a long time. I have been busy and trying to maintain this crazy schedule. Hope you checked out Stranger. It premiered yesterday on Yahoo! and is coming on TRL. Plz, help retire it like With Love. I did a photo shoot for a UK fashion magazine at this beautiful house in the Hollywood Hills; it had a huge artist?s quarters and a beautiful garden. The house had one of the best views of Hollywood that I have ever seen. They say the guy who directed Patriot Games owns it.
Anyhoo, I am off on VACATION WITH MY BIG SIS HAYLIE!!! We are flying to NY because one of the executive producers of Lizzie McGuire named Susan Jansen is getting married, we are going to the wedding and then we will stay a few days and relax and enjoy life. I promise that I will send pics from our trip.
Gotta go, I?ll talk to you soon. Oh yeah, I saw a preview of War Inc., the movie we filmed in Bulgaria, and it was awesome! I really enjoyed it, can?t wait until it comes out in the film festivals.
Hon förtjänar lite semester, skönt. Vad kul att dom fortfarande har så bra kontakt med producern för Lizzie :) She rocks my socks!