Här är nya bilder på Hilary Duff när hon filmar "Greta" i Ocean Grove den 28 OKtober. Hilary får ett besök av Mike Comrie, fotograferna får en söt bild på dom när dom pussas.
Hilary har ju filmat på Greta ett tag nu, undra om dom är klar snart och hon ska vidare och filma på Safety Glass.
Nicole avundsjuk?
According to US Weekly, Nicole Richie is quite jealous of Hilary Duff's relationship to Joel Madden. I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or just her personality, but she is, indeed, out of line:
A source tells Us Weekly that Nicole Richie, 26, teases Joel Madden, 28, about his two-and-a-half-year relationship with singer-actress Hilary Duff, 20.
"She will ask if he's going to watch Lizzie McGuire DVDs or listen to Hilary's albums," says the source. "Joel tells her she's being out of line."
Massa Gretabilder

Hilary var och filmade Greta den 22 Oktober i Ocean Grove.

Hilary var och filmade Greta i Ocean Grove igen den 23 Oktober. Det ser ut som att Mike Comrie var på besök, man ser bara hans rygg men man kan nog säga att det är han när han kramar Hilary.
Hilary doesn't make fun of Lindsay and Britney
The actress and singer Hilary Duff is sure that she will never be involved in any scandle that would hurt her family, but she also wouldn't make fun of her professional colleagues like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears.
"It saddens me to know when one does not look for help, not looking for the support of family or friends. I think that the first thing that someone must do: family, help me to improve, help me to leave this behind. Thats what they should have to do ", said the young actress.
Duff hopes Britney and Lindsay to recover soon of the problems they face.
Dom är så himla vackra!

Cosmo UK

Här är några outtakes från photoshooten.

Hilary backstage

Hilary på MTV Latin America 2007

Uppträder på MTV Latin America 2007
Hilary uppträdde ?With Love' på Los Premios MTV Latin America 2007 at El Palacio de Los Deportes den 18 oktober i Mexico City, Mexico.
Jag älskar hennes gröna miniklänning, så himla snygg. Och så hon har satt upp håret, perfekt.
Om Greta
var beredda på att bli stunned! <3
Hon har på sig en klänning från den nya designern Rafael och säger att hon älskar att ha på sig stora örhängen och visa sina ben på röda mattan, hon säger också att alla borde känna sig bekväma i vad dom har på sig, aww snuttan!

Här sitter Hilary i publiken.

Nya bilder
Älskar hennes hår, smink, basker, kläder allt!

Hilary i Mexico

Hilary lunchar
BTS Greta
Här är några behind-the-scenes bilder från Hilary Duff on the set of "Greta".
Bild kollaget:
Hilary in hair, makeup and wardrobe on the set of Greta. Interior shots are of Hilary's character Greta's bedroom in her grandmother's house at the Jersey Shore.
Greta 14 oktober
Hilary Duff fick ett besök av Mike Comrie när hon var på inspelningen av "Greta" i South Jersey den 14 oktober. Hon verkar verkligen glad i hans närhet, jag är så glad för hennes skull!
Greta 15 oktober
Här är bilder på Hilary när hon filmar Greta den 15 oktober. Filmningen går verkligen snabbt ändå; lära sig replikerna, träna och filma filmen på så lite tid! Och allt vi ser är ju typ bilder när hon gör utomhus shots - och hon gör ju en hel del inne också.
Greta 12 Oktober
Greta igår
Mer greta

En kväll ute
Hilary hade en rolig kväll ute den 8 Oktober - välförtjänt efter allt hennes filmande.
Hilary på hockeymatch
Aw, så söt hon är:

Mer Greta
Hilary hade en lång dag med inspelning den 8 Oktober. Här är en annan scen från "Greta" där Hilary står på taket. Ser väldigt coolt ut med laptopen och tuggummit, haha. Gillar hennes outfit.
här står det föressten lite grann om "Greta":
The story revolves around the forbidden romance of a waitress (Duff) and the restaurant's ambitious cook (Ross). After she falls for him, the couple's little summer romance runs into a brick wall called her grandparents, played by veteran actors Ellen Burstyn and Michael Murphy. Apparently, the folks aren't too happy about the cook's criminal past.
Teen star Hilary Duff has recently started shooting for Greta, an independant teen dramedy (drama/comedy) about interracial romance. She plays the title role of a waitress, who falls in love with her colleague (Evan Ross), a cook at the restaurant they work. After they take their romance to the next level, Greta confronts the concern of her grandparents (Ellen Burstyn, Michael Murphy) about her new boyfriendss criminal past.
Inspelning av Greta
Click to enlarge - more after the jump

Click to enlarge - more after the jump
Hilary i vattnet
Hilary Duff got all wet for a scene in "Greta" on the Jersey beach, but she got a little bit more than she expected from the scene. Hilary Duff was hit hard with the waves and had to be rescued by divers.
Mer från inspelningen

Här är lite till bilder från inspelningen av filmen GRETA den 2 Oktober, gillar hennes hår, verkligen.

Hilary på inspelning
Hilary Duff på inspelningen av Greta i Ashbury Park den 2 Oktober. Jag gillar hennes kläder, och hår. Jag ser verkligen fram till den här filmen! :)
Hil i FHM magazine som släpps November

Hilary Duff Waits on Tables
Hilary Duff plays the title character in the interracial teen romance "Greta," which is shooting on location in New Jersey.
Duff's character is a waitress who falls for an ambitious cook (Evan Ross) at the restaurant where they work. But as their summer romance heats up, she has to overcome the concerns of her grandparents (Ellen Burstyn, Michael Murphy) about her boyfriend's criminal past.
The comic drama marks music-video veteran Nancy Bardawil's feature directing debut.
Production of "Greta" is scheduled to be based in Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Neptune for the next four weeks, according to Steve Gorelick of the New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission in Newark.
"It's being made in the $1- to $2-million-dollar range," Gorelick said.
"Basically, the entire movie is being shot in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove so they can get a New Jersey tax credit," he said. "You qualify for a tax credit if you spend 60 percent or more of your budget in the state of New Jersey.
Okej, jag blir väldigt glad av att läsa teen romance så roligt :) Ser fram emot det!
Hilary Duff to Visit Bradley Beach, Ocean Grove to Film
Hilary Duff to Visit Bradley Beach, Ocean Grove to Film
Hilary Duff will be filming on October 13th for the movie Greta at the Bradley Beach Train Station in New Jersey.
Film crews will shut down the train station in Bradley Beach for the shooting, which was originally set for Friday, Sept. 21 from 3 to 8 p.m.
Duff and Barkin are expected to be there for the filming, and there is a possibility that Martin Sheen will also be in town for the shoot.
Chief Leonard Guida said last week he would coordinate the filming with NJ Transit, which gave authorization for the movie to be filmed at the train station.
Guida raised concerns about commuters coming home on the train on a Friday evening and not being able to get to their vehicles.
The area around the train station will be closed off for the shooting.