Hilary och Mike
Hilary Strong
To date, Duff is one of scant few members of Hollywood?s new guard who have yet to be arrested, shipped off to rehab, or caught flashing their lady parts to paparazzi while clumsily exiting a limo?
So what is it that keeps Duff ? already a show-biz veteran at the tender age of 19 ? out of the scandal sheets and in the public?s good books?
"I guess it?s my mom," says Duff, while being driven to her home in L.A. "I really feel like that is what has made it so easy for me to not have to go through all that.
"My mom and my sister being so close to me, and my actually caring what they have to say ? Also having a mom that doesn?t want the lifestyle I have, but who just wants to be my mom."
She?s definitely on to something there. While your typical train-wreck celebs (think Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Nick Carter) tend to have parents who are just as fame-hungry as they are, those lucky enough not to be dogged by scandal (think Justin Timberlake, Mandy Moore, and ? uh, see how hard this?) usually have guardians content to offer support from the sidelines.
Perhaps we have Duff?s mom to thank for the perky pop star?s preternatural poise, which seems a bit at odds with the awkward antics she engaged in on the Lizzie Maguire set back in the day.
"Well, in some ways I was a lot like that character, but I?ve also always been pretty mature for my age," says Duff, when asked which persona ? clumsy klutz or dignified diva ? most resembles the real-life Hilary.
Not that she?s looking to show all her cards anytime soon. A far more private person than her compatriots, Duff says she found it difficult to air some of her dirty laundry on Dignity, which sees her riffing on a failed relationship, her parents? recent divorce, and a stalker jailed for harassing her in 2006.
"At first it was scary, because you?re like, ?How much do I want people to know?? " explains Duff, who?s been romantically linked to Aaron Carter and Good Charlotte frontman Joel Madden. "It?s hard to let your guard down when you?re so used to having it up, but it got easier."
That practice should prove beneficial where Duff?s acting career is concerned, especially since it?s the outlet she plans to focus on whenever doubling as an actress and a singer grows too demanding?
"It?s that instant gratification of having a live audience in front of you," Duff says, when asked what recording offers that acting doesn?t. "Having people who don?t even speak the same language as you relating to you, and singing all the words to your songs."
Duff says the role of an eastern European pop star is quite a departure for her.
"She is a little girl inside that never really had a chance to grow up and never had a childhood, that puts on this front of being this like overtly sexual, like in your face, intense get what you want (person) by like using her body and knowing how to work guys," says Duff in a recent interview. "But she?s really not that person at all, and she hates that she is, but doesn?t know how to be any other way."
The character is involved with a group of powerful men, and is set to marry the son of one of them.
"They keep her protected in kind of like this crazy war zone," says Duff. "She does what she wants, and does what they want and is very controlled by them and she is desperate to get to America.
"As serious as I just made that sound, she has very, like, redeeming qualities and you get to see the part of her that makes you kind of pull for her.
"The movie is very funny but it?s also very serious in a way that you?re just like wow, that?s so messed up. It?s very political, very controversial. It?s great. I actually just saw it. It?s a very creative John Cusack movie.
"It was just such a life-changing experience for me. It was such a departure from anything I?ve ever done."
Duff said the War, Inc. role was hard to do at first, "but then it became really fun. I just got to be a totally different girl and John really gave me the confidence to do that.
"It?s scary . . . as I get older, to take roles and to do things that challenge me. I guess I just have to understand that?s not me . . . it?s a character that I?m playing."
Club Area

Och här är bilder när hon och Mike anländer.




Hilary Duff och Haylie Duff var på Much Love for Animal Rescue Benefit den 14 Juli. Både Hilary och Haylie fick priset Gold Heart Award for promoting Animal Rescue by example.
Alltså man blir ordlös, gud så vacker Hilary är i den klänningen, den passar henne så bra. Och Haylies sitter inte heller fel, wow. Alltså det här är något av de bästa som dom båda bärt på senaste tiden och skor o assecoarer och allt. Och deras hår, perfekt.

Vad tycker du?
Us Weekly

The Hilary?s New Beau? section:
Who gave Duff a piggyback ride into the waves and frolicked with her in the water? Club promoter Frankie Delgado. "We?re just friends," Duff tells US, adding that fellow partygoer Brody Jenner is also merely "a good friend of mine." The performer insists that she?s single - and savoring it. "I haven?t met anyone who has really excited me or made me want to be serious with him," she says. "So I?m having a really good time being alone and learning a lot about myself. It?s empowering!"
When asked about Nicole Richie being pregnant with Joel Madden?s baby, Hilary Duff insists there are no bad feelings and that Joel will be a "great dad."
Sen har jag även laddat upp fler bilder på Hilary och hennes pojkvän Frankie Delgado, hade lite bråttom sist jag laddade upp så jag hann inte, sorry för det.
Och sen är det även bilder på Hilary med Talon Torriero på Hyde.
Och jag måste säga att jag älskar hennes kläder!

Les Deux

Vad tyckte ni om Hilarys kläder?

Även bilder på henne när hon lämnar PopStarz.

Ny pojkvän
Hilary Duff med nya pojkvännen Frankie Delgado på Hyde den 12 Juli. Så snygga kläder hon har, och dom är jätte söta tillsammans :)
Shopping och Pilates

Hilary var till en pilates klass i Torsdags, 12 Juli.Hilary Duff went to a pilates class yesterday. Vi vet från hennes Shap intervju att pilates är hennes nya fitness vapen och att det får henne att må bra, och se bra ut också.

Hilary Duff 2nd richest teen
Hilary Duff 2nd richest teen
According to a new ranking, Hilary Duff has been named by People as the second richest teen behind Daniel Radcliffe.
Daniel Radcliffe, 17
Already the U.K.?s richest teen, he will be paid a reported $50 million for the next two Harry Potter films. He recently dropped $17,000 on a custom-made Savoir mattress, but says, "People seem to expect me to splash out on a classic-car collection, but I?ve never been into cars or anything like that."Hilary Duff, 19
As CEO of her own lifestyle company, she earns about $12 million a year, according to Forbes. Still, she says, "I definitely don?t just buy what I want." Case in point: She thought about buying a Porsche Cayenne Turbo for nearly $100,000, but her business manager said, "You?re a terrible driver. You don?t need that kind of power."
Hilary Duff i hennes photshoot till tidningen MAXIM magazine (Augusti 2007). Hilary beskriver bilderns som "old fashioned pin-up girl." Hilary är verkligen hur snygg som helst på bilderna.
Hilary Duff?s Shape Magazine bikini bild är med på framsidan av US Weekly. Här är framsidan och en intervju där HIlary pratar om att bli föör skinny.
Hilary: I Was "Obsessed" Over My Weight
Hilary Duff looks so good that she was chosen for the cover of Us Weekly?s first annual swimsuit issue. But when the singer/actress was 15, she came across a press report criticizing her for her weight.
?It made me obsessed,? she tells Us of the story that drove her into a hard-core diet and exercise binge. ?I would beat myself up if I had some fat.?
But when the 5-foot-2 star?s weight plummeted to around 100 pounds in 2005 (down from 130 in 2003), her sister Haylie, 22, finally intervened.
?She said, ?Why are you being so strict with yourself??It was like an awakening,? says Duff, who eased up on her rigorous program.
?I don?t want to be so skinny that people are like, Oh my god, she?s lost a lot of weight.?
Now, at 19, Duff tells Us that she?s content at 109 pounds. "As you get older, you just get more comfortable in your own skin."
Instead of counting fat grams or calories, she relies on a hearty helping of common sense: lots of greens, lean protein and fresh fruit.
?You need to find balance,? she says.
Cosmo UK bts

Espys Extreme Party och Teddys

Sen for dom vidare till Teddy's, här är när dom är på väg in i bilen.

Seventeen Magazine

Seventeen Magazine photoshoot
Här är MQ bilder från Hilary Duff?s Seventeen Magazine photoshoot från deras Hilary Duff Cover Gallery - varje bild har ett stycke som Hilary sa i intervjun.
![]() | "THE DIVORCE" Caption: I?ve dealt with this for a while. It?s news to people that don?t know me so they think it?s just happened but it hasn?t. I?ve known about it for a year and we?ve been dealing with it quietly" |
![]() | "STOLEN DRESS" Caption: I lent a dress to one of my friends and we went out and she met up with me, and her friend had on my dress! I was like ?That?s my dress!? So I don?t lend my clothes out to everybody [anymore], but my sister and I share everything! |
![]() | "SEXY LADY" Caption: That?s not really my personality in real life, but it?s fun to do on stage. It was just kind of like a progression with the music and with what I wrote and just wanting to dance and do something different. |
![]() | "FASHION NO-NO" Caption: Trendy buys ? something comes out, and it?s just the coolest thing, but it?s so cool that you know it?s going to be hideously dorky in the next couple of months, and you spend so much money on it anyway. |
![]() | "NOT HER STYLE" Caption: High-waisted jeans ? I have mom-butt in them! Maybe if you?re 6 feet tall and 100 pounds they?ll look cute on you ? not cute on me. And they?re like these big wide legs and they weigh 20 pounds and you walk funny in them! |
Hilary har blivit intervjuad av People.com - Hilary pratar om sin sommar, sin musik, skvaller och hennes turne.
Are you taking time off to relax this summer?
No, I?m going to be working all summer. I have a tour in Canada and then I start touring in the States and then I?ll be going to Europe, so it?s going to be a really crazy summer but it?s fun.What is something that you won?t leave home without?
I bring my two dogs with me. It?s hard because you?re in a different hotel room almost every day and it?s just so impersonal. I?m definitely a homebody so having them there makes it more comfortable. And my laptop ? I bring that pretty much everywhere ? and lots of shoes!So you can have options?
Yes. You know what?s funny? When you?re on tour ? except for at night because you get dressed up for the show ? normally you look so gross. You just throw on sweats and don?t do anything with yourself until the show. After about a month of that you?re like, "I feel like a man. I need to be cute." So I have to have cute options and put a little effort into it.
What kind of music will you listen to on the road?
I?ve been getting into a lot of older hip-hop music recently like Dr. Dre. Something about the summer brings it out in me ? like I love Salt-N-Peppa. I love Amy Winehouse right now and Bloc Party?s new CD and I?m still a huge Cure fan.
You recently signed up to be a part of the Stardoll.com community. How did that happen?
When I was younger I loved paper dolls and so it?s kind of like an updated version of that. When my manager told me about it I was really excited because it sounded so cute.
What?s it like seeing yourself as a cyber doll?
It?s strange at first but I?ve done a couple things like that before. I?m a character in a video game so it just becomes normal after you start seeing yourself in magazines and on TV and everywhere else.Do you ever read about yourself online?
I try to stay away from the gossip stuff. I used to be obsessed and I just feel like it?s so negative. I don?t like reading stuff about myself on there so I?m trying to stop reading about other people.Does it ever get easier?
Yeah, it does when you just stop caring. It just becomes uninteresting. They say the same stuff about all the same girls or all the same people and supposedly everyone has all the same problems ? it?s pretty amusing now.What?s something that you let yourself splurge on?
Girls get cravings to get a new pair of shoes once in awhile so I definitely treat myself. I buy things for my house. I definitely feel like it?s a big treat to have what I want in my house and get to enjoy it.Do you give yourself an allowance or do you just buy what you want?
I definitely don?t just buy what I want. When you get to that point, then you?re never excited about anything? If I splurge on a bag I still get so excited about it and like, talk about it all the time. I like feeling like that.Is it cool or hard to be a young mogul?
It?s a little bit of both. It?s so funny that people think that I?m a mogul ? I don?t do all this by myself. I get to be a part of the creative end of it and I definitely do know a lot about it but it?s not all my ideas and I have so many people that help me on a daily basis.Is there one endeavor that is especially fun for you?
I?d say that the movies and the music are the most fun. With the music I get to be myself and I get to be on stage and there?s nothing more rewarding than that? The movies are cool because I get to challenge myself.Did you always expect to be this successful?
I didn?t even know a lifestyle like this existed. It is really exciting and really scary at the same time. There?s a lot of pressure to deal with and a lot of stress and I do feel a little bit like a business woman but I have this other job where everyone knows who I am and everyone watches everything I do and it?s kind of scary because I really am just a person at the same time.What?s the biggest perk in your line of work?
It?s nice to know that you affect people in positive ways. And I am really young and I?m able to support myself and help out my family if they need it or help out a friend. And since I do have a life where I can just go wherever I want whenever I want, I get to have everything I want in my house and be private and enjoy it here.
Gloomy sjuk
Det här var runt 8-9 Juli något. Hilarys katt Gloomy var sjuk så Hilary tog honom till Sherman Oaks Veterinary clinic. Hilary sa till kameratyperna att Gloomy var okej. Jag älskar att se attt hon går med mjukiskläder, som för den delen är sjukt snygga. Och väskan är grymt fin.
Hilary har föressten en ny katt nu också, Mouse heter den.

Ha det så bra nu och njut av sommaren, om bara solen ville titta fram skulle det bli ännu bättre!
So long / Liza

Hilary Duff Interview with E!
Hilary Duff Interview with E!
Hilary Duff did an interview with E - they talk about what Hilary?s plans are for her next single, working on War Inc, and whether she has new projects coming up.
Your second single off the Dignity album, "Stranger," just came out. Do you have any plans for a third single?
We just shot the video for "Stranger." My choreographer, Fatima Robinson, actually shot it. She does Beyoncé and has worked with all these great people, and she?s like, "I wanna direct now." I love how it turned out. I?m gonna do something on my Website where people can vote for what they?d pick for the next single, because I want to hear it from the people who are actually listening to the album.You also have a new film coming out with John Cusack. What led you to this more adult role?
I was in the middle of making my record when I read the script, and my agents called me and were like, "You?re going to have to play a pop star, but it?s a pretty good script," and I?m like, "No, I don?t even want to read it." I wasn?t interested in making a movie unless I could do something that was very different from what I have done before. I just wanted people to see me differently. I know I have a big young following, and they probably won?t even see that movie, but [I wanted to] grow and challenge myself and work with great people like John and Joan Cusack, Ben Kingsley and Marisa Tomei. It is such a great cast, and I really got a chance to push the envelope.I?ve seen the trailer, with the scorpion?
Down the pants? That was so terrifying, but I had the best time! It was such a great creative outlet, and I want to do more of that.Any upcoming projects lined up?
There are a couple of independent movies I really want to do, but it?s a matter of timing. My record came out, so I am really going to focus and tour, tour, tour?and that?s what is going to make the record huge. I want people to hear all the new music I wrote. We start in Canada, and we?re going to be there for three weeks. Then the tour starts Aug. 6 in the States, and we?ll be here for two months.
Hilary och Haylie 4 Juli.

Duff gratulerar exet Madden och gravida Richie
Duff gratulerar exet Madden och gravida Richie
Som Starlounge tidigare rapporterat pekar allting på att Nicole Richie väntar barn med sin pojkvän sedan sex månader tillbaka, Joel Madden. Nu har Joels ex Hilary Duff för första gången uttalat sig om saken.
Den 19-åriga skådespelerskan och sångerskan var tillsammans med den 28-årige Good Charlotte-stjärnan i ett och ett halvt år och gjorde slut så sent som i november förra året.
Kort därefter började Joel dejta Nicole, 25, och Hilary ryktades inte vara helt nöjd med saken. Låten ?Gypsy woman? på Hilarys senaste skiva ska exempelvis handla om Nicoles dåliga klädsmak. Enligt nyhetsbyrån Wenn är hon trots allt glad för de blivande föräldrarnas skull. Men också en aning förvånad.
? Jag vet inte vad jag ska tro, säger hon. Om det är sant så hoppas jag att de är lyckliga.
Hilary Duff ryktas för övrigt ha fått sig en egen liten hämnd på Nicole. Enligt det senaste skvallret dejtar hon nämligen Nicoles expojkvän Brody Jenner och de sågs lämna en nattklubb tillsammans häromkvällen.
Reduce, reuse, recycle?
Av Sebastian Nordén
Foto Stella Pictures
Hilary Duff Admits Career Doubts
Hilary Duff has admitted that she often considers giving up on her career.
The actress and singer has struggled in recent months with the constant travelling which is necessary for her promotional work. Duff said that she sometimes wonders whether it is worth continuing with her showbiz lifestyle - because she finds the stress involved too much to take.
"I go get stressed out and I do get sad sometimes about the constant work. When I travel a lot usually I'm just so tired that I just want to go to my hotel room and sleep," Hilary told Stella magazine. "After doing that for a couple of months you think, 'Why do I do this? Where's the reward?' "
Duff added that she has become frustrated with casting directors who fail to see her potential as a serious actress.
She said: "They'll meet with me. They'll want to go somewhere and talk, ask questions. Then they'll call and say, 'We really love her, she's great, wow.' But they have no imagination. I know people look at me and think I'm just so mainstream, 'She's just a blonde, young girl.' But I want to be really artistic."
Hilary Duff and Mandy Moore Dish on Diet Pressure
Hilary Duff and Mandy Moore Dish on Diet Pressure

MSN.COM:Are you constantly watching the ups and downs of your waistline? Just imagine how tough it would be if everyone else were watching, too. Hilary Duff and Mandy Moore are speaking out about the scrutiny they've faced over their famous figures and how they've learned to cope with the pound pressure.
"Being in the public eye, it is really hard," Duff, 19, admits to Shape magazine, which features her on the cover in all her ab-tastic, red bikini-clad glory. "Everyone is constantly criticizing you and picking you apart. You see these magazines and people are enjoying themselves on the beach, and people are zooming in on their cellulite. They notice everything about their body. It is mean and it is hard to stay sane."
Sighs the starlet, who two years ago underwent an alarming slim-down that transformed her from healthy to hollow-cheeked, "People realize when you put five pounds on, or lose five pounds. You are never perfect for those people."
Duff attributes her current hard-bodied look to better eating habits (lots of veggies and protein) and regular exercise (Pilates and swimming).
"Work out," she suggests. "It makes you feel good to work out. It doesn't have to be strenuous and boring. What I [used to think] was when you work out, you have to break a sweat -- it is not about that."
Hilary is equally sensible with her diet, and recommends that you "eat what is good for your body and what gives you energy -- and feed your sweet tooth every once in a while. That is the best way to go."
It's a realistic approach echoed by Moore, 23, who has often talked about the trials and tribulations of being a sensationally statuesque size 6 in a size double-zero world.
"I feel better mentally -- even if I don't look any different -- when I'm putting forth the effort to exercise," she tells Us Weekly. "But having said that, it's not going to push me away if I want to have a cookie at the end of the day. You have to reward yourself every now and then."
Like Duff, she knows the burden of having her figure dissected by those who expect stars to attain an impossible standard of beauty, but she says she's happy to step up and be a curvy role model.
"Personally, if I weren't in the public eye, I would want someone in this position to just be normal because that's believable and that's acceptable and there's nothing wrong with it," maintains Mandy. "This is how we're supposed to look."
Still, that doesn't mean she's unwilling to bow to studio suits who expect a leading lady to be ultra-lean on the big screen.
"It's not a personal thing, it's something that I have to do for my job: shape up a little bit," says Moore, who is currently out stumping for the comedy "License to Wed." "If I have to slim down now for a film, I don't mind. I just look at it like I'm just changing my hair or something. If that's what I have to do for the character, then that's what I have to do."
Just don't expect her to eschew food while chained to an elliptical machine for hours a day.
"Being a young woman in this industry, there's enough pressure, it's hard enough as it is," asserts Mandy. "I felt like, for this job, you sacrifice so much already that the last thing I want to do is make myself feel really horrible."
Joseph's Nightclub
Hilary Duff var ute den 2 Juli på Hollywoods Hotspot Joseph's Nightclub med Brody Jenner och Haylie Duff. Oh snap, damn perfection. Jag älskar verkligen Hilary outfit, det röda läppstift är snyggt på henne och jag gillar hennes hår. Hilary väska är verkligen jätte fin också.
Haylies outfit är också jätte fin och jag älskar hennes nagellack.
Vacker <3
Här är två bilder från en photoshoot Hilary gjorde, av Todd Cole.
Hilary och Haylie

Och så gick dom för "intimate apparel".

Le Deux
Gillar hennes färgklada kläder, snyggt!