Hilary is being sued.

In the complaint filed in Beverly Hills Superior Court and obtained by the celebrity Web site CelebTV.com, Andrew Rakos and Seth Rakos claim they attended a concert of Duff's where a film crew blocked their view of the show.
The complaint reads "The defendant hired film crews at the performance with no prior warning and had film crew interrupt and ruin the ability for my family to see the show.
The plaintiffs are asking for $$220 in damages, according to the documents, to cover the cost of 2 tickets purchased on eBay, the price of parking for the event and expenses related to copying and mailing the complaint.
Hilary på sin födelsedag
Hilary var ute i går (28 September, sin födelsedag) med sin hockeyspelande pojkvän Mike Comrie för att fira sin födelsedag med lite shopping på Jeffery with i Meat Packing District of New York City.
Mums, dom rosa skorna, shit. Så himla fina, passar henne perfekt. Och jag älskar hennes väska och kläder, hår allt. Allt är helt perfekt!
Föressten så jag har haft den här bloggen i mer än ett år nu, yey!
LAX airport

Hilary ser absolut fantastisk ut på Spirit of Life Dinner igår (27 september)! Så himla fabolous, helt stunning.
Idag fyller min (och troligen alla ni som läser bloggens) älskling, Hilary år!
Tjugo år redan, tiden går fort när man har roligt :) Grattis, grattis, grattis och hoppas att det blir din bästa födelsedag någonsin!
Jag kommer såklart att stoppa in bilder från hennes födelsedag så fort det kommer :)
Hockey match
Hilary var ute och kollade på en preseason game mellan Islanders och Rangers i Måndags natt (24 September).
Hilary satt i mitten av Coliseum publiken och såg allt i ganska närbild. Och jag älskar, det lilla man ser, av hennes kläder men framförallt hennes accessoarer.
Hilary blog uppdatering
Blog Update for September 1st
"- Posted by : Hilary
Ok, I have been home for a few days and its already time to go back out : (
I am going to New Jersey to shoot this cool independent movie called Greta. I read the script about two years ago and fell in love with it. It is a character driven movie, so I will be playing a true character with very complicated life challenges. I am psyched about this project! I also get to be on the East Coast during Fall which is my fav time of the year. I think I am going to take Lola. The last time I took her on a plane, she did extremely well. She misses me too much when I am gone.
I am also going to the MTV Latin America Awards in Mexico next month! I wanted everyone to know that I will be coming overseas soon; my management team has been working diligently on a schedule to make sure that we cover every market. So, please be patient and hopefully soon we will have a complete schedule. Well, I have 2 finish packing, I'll talk to you guys sooner than later...
Bye 4 Now."
Neil George hairdresser

Shit jag är kä'r i hennes outfit, fintfintfint.

Hilary lämnar Burke Williams Spa i Sherman Oaks 20 September med väskor med goodies. She got tons of freebies from the spa and a large Yves St Laurent handbag.
Hilary Duff's Early Birthday Present
Hilary Duff's expectations were low when Mike Comrie called recently to say he'd picked out an early 20th birthday present (her birthday is not until the 28th) for her and said that he hoped she'd like them.
"Okay, it's shoes or something," Duff recalled thinking as she went to her sister's house, where Comrie had said he left the present in the garage. "I opened the garage, and I was just like shocked, just standing there."
Before her, with a big red bow on top, was a Mercedes-Benz G-class SUV (retail price: more than $100,000).
Duff, whose birthday is next week, told PEOPLE at the Chanel and P.S. Arts Party at Chanel in Beverly Hills on Thursday that she had unwittingly put the idea for a new car in his head. Comrie, who plays for the New York Islanders, didn't know what to get her: then one day he heard her talking about her transportation needs.
"I was planning on getting a big car and I drive a big car anyway, and I was just like, ?You know maybe I like the G-Wagen,' and then I was like, ?No, maybe I like the [Porsche] Cayenne,' " says Duff, whose manager steered her away from the Porsche, reminding her that she was a "terrible driver" and "didn't need that kind of power."
"I've driven it tons," Duff said of her birthday present. "When I called him I was like, ?You're crazy! It's perfect!' "
So will the next present fit on her wedding finger?
"The rock?!" Duff said. "No, stop it!"
Hilarys present; Mercedes G-Wagon.
Chanel och P.S
Teen Vogue Party
Hilary på röda mattan på Teen Vogue Party den 20 September. Världens sötaste outfit, älskar mössan, jag vill också ha!
Hilary och Hayden Panettiere hängde tillsammans på Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party 20 september.
Les Deux
Hilary var ute för att ha lite roligt på Onsdag(12 September) natt med några vänner, hon var på Les Deux i Hollywood.
Lovely outfit.
Klicka för större.
Hilary shoppar
Här är massa bilder på Hilar när hon är och shoppar i LA den 13 September, hon ser ut att ha mycket kul :)
Riktigt fin klänning också, och skor, solglasögon och accessoarer!
Klicka för större.
This is London
Enligt People, Hilary och Mike "cuddled and danced together all night long from their perch on the third-floor VIP section overlooking the dancefloor."

Dignity Tour, Ottawa
Toronto International Film Festival
Bilder på Hilary på röda matta när hon anländer till the opening of the Toronto International Film Festival, och e! talk pre-schmooze, där hon uppträdde direkt för Much on Demand. Den 7 September.
Hilary har på sig en väldigt snygg och stylish svart mini klänning, med ett par fantastiska skor och hennes underbara hår!
The 32nd Annual Toronto International Film Festival

Much Music's MuchOnDemand

2 nya filmer
The first is called "Safety Glass"
A reporter is sent to cover the Challenger Space Shuttle launch only to become mixed up in the lives of some local high schoolers.
The second movie, which is news, is called "Greta." It's a script that Hilary has had for 3 years, and is now finally going to star in. The filming is happening very soon - September and October.
Spännande eller hur :)
Brian Bowen photoshoot
Dignity After Party

Official Hilary Duff Dignity Tour After Party at Time Supper Club
Tuesday September 4
A grand crowd waited at the doors of Time Supper Club, as the Dignity Tour buses drove pass, dropping off the evening's guest of honor, Hilary Duff. Guests were taking the last bites of their dinners, when Duff walked in the club and into the "Music Loves Fashion" event, produced by Time Supper Club, Produkt Communications, and Myspace. All eyes gazed at the star and her crew as they stepped into their beautifully decked out VIP retreat, complete with exotic fruit platters, exquisite canapés, vitamin water bottles, fresh juice blends, and premium Belvedere Vodka bottles that were left unopened.
At around 11:15pm, the lights were dimmed down, sexy electronica music blasted the speakers, and the highly anticipated Soïa & Kyo coat fashion show started. The models, with dazzling tresses styled by Redken, trailed across Time's signature 4-foot high illuminated catwalk, as industry professionals, the jet set, and Hilary Duff watched. Until the last walk, the crowd was whistling and clapping, Hilary's area was on high-octane energy mode, and superstar DJ Yo-C was burning up the turntables with pure Hip-Hop tracks.
Duff couldn't contain her excitement as she moved to the DJ booth through the bustling crowd, grabbed the earphones, and jammed a couple of tunes with a keen smile - not forgetting to include in the mix her hit "Stranger" as her adoring fans sang along. As soon as the song ended, she quickly stepped down to take photographs, autographs, and hugs. Duff then waived to her crew and pointed towards the terrace.
An African styled hut housed the crew, as they continued to dance and sing to internationally acclaimed DJ/artist Sultan. Time Supper Club's glowing terrace was packed with loungers and bottles on the impossibly conformable daybeds. Duff stuck to her non-alcoholic beverages and took in her Time experience to the maximum. More fans came to take a peak at Duff, who gladly snuck out of the hut to do a round of photos and autographs. Sadly by 1:45am, the tour bus had to hit the road. Duff walked away waiving and blowing kisses.
Dignity tour Quebec
Hilarys hud
People's StyleWatch is playing "Guess Whose Skin is This?" and have included this gorgeous shot of Hilary Duff. Lovely!!
This picture is a part of a new campaign for Vaseline that Hilary Duff is a part of. The campaign is called "Skin is Amazing" and stars picked their favorite body part to have shot for the campaign. Hilary Duff picked her shoulder.
The campaign hits magazines next month.
Hilary lyxar till det för Lola
Hilary ger sin hund Lola riktigt star treatment på turné! Special room service, bara för Lola, så sött :)
Hilary Duff, walking through the lobby of dog-friendly Nine Zero Hotel in Boston with her Chihuahua Lola. From the doggie room service menu, Duff ordered several Ambassador Kissie-Face Frappes - canine concoctions of blended raspberries, yogurt, honey, banana and cinnamon, all delivered on a silver tray.
Favorit örhängen
Det är 18 K guld i dom och dom är moderna och eleganta.
Dignity Tour Allentown
Cliff Watts

Sugar Magazine