Hilary blog uppdatering

Blog Update for September 1st

"- Posted by : Hilary
Ok, I have been home for a few days and its already time to go back out : (

I am going to New Jersey to shoot this cool independent movie called Greta. I read the script about two years ago and fell in love with it. It is a character driven movie, so I will be playing a true character with very complicated life challenges. I am psyched about this project! I also get to be on the East Coast during Fall which is my fav time of the year. I think I am going to take Lola. The last time I took her on a plane, she did extremely well. She misses me too much when I am gone.

I am also going to the MTV Latin America Awards in Mexico next month! I wanted everyone to know that I will be coming overseas soon; my management team has been working diligently on a schedule to make sure that we cover every market. So, please be patient and hopefully soon we will have a complete schedule. Well, I have 2 finish packing, I'll talk to you guys sooner than later...

Bye 4 Now."


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