Hilary Duff to Visit Bradley Beach, Ocean Grove to Film

Hilary Duff to Visit Bradley Beach, Ocean Grove to Film

Hilary Duff will be filming on October 13th for the movie Greta at the Bradley Beach Train Station in New Jersey.

Film crews will shut down the train station in Bradley Beach for the shooting, which was originally set for Friday, Sept. 21 from 3 to 8 p.m.

Duff and Barkin are expected to be there for the filming, and there is a possibility that Martin Sheen will also be in town for the shoot.

Chief Leonard Guida said last week he would coordinate the filming with NJ Transit, which gave authorization for the movie to be filmed at the train station.

Guida raised concerns about commuters coming home on the train on a Friday evening and not being able to get to their vehicles.

The area around the train station will be closed off for the shooting.

Hilary is being sued.

Hilary Duff is being sued in small claims court.
In the complaint filed in Beverly Hills Superior Court and obtained by the celebrity Web site CelebTV.com, Andrew Rakos and Seth Rakos claim they attended a concert of Duff's where a film crew blocked their view of the show.
The complaint reads "The defendant hired film crews at the performance with no prior warning and had film crew interrupt and ruin the ability for my family to see the show.
The plaintiffs are asking for $$220 in damages, according to the documents, to cover the cost of 2 tickets purchased on eBay, the price of parking for the event and expenses related to copying and mailing the complaint.


Idag fyller min (och troligen alla ni som läser bloggens) älskling, Hilary år!
Tjugo år redan, tiden går fort när man har roligt :) Grattis, grattis, grattis och hoppas att det blir din bästa födelsedag någonsin!

Jag kommer såklart att stoppa in bilder från hennes födelsedag så fort det kommer :)

Hilary blog uppdatering

Blog Update for September 1st

"- Posted by : Hilary
Ok, I have been home for a few days and its already time to go back out : (

I am going to New Jersey to shoot this cool independent movie called Greta. I read the script about two years ago and fell in love with it. It is a character driven movie, so I will be playing a true character with very complicated life challenges. I am psyched about this project! I also get to be on the East Coast during Fall which is my fav time of the year. I think I am going to take Lola. The last time I took her on a plane, she did extremely well. She misses me too much when I am gone.

I am also going to the MTV Latin America Awards in Mexico next month! I wanted everyone to know that I will be coming overseas soon; my management team has been working diligently on a schedule to make sure that we cover every market. So, please be patient and hopefully soon we will have a complete schedule. Well, I have 2 finish packing, I'll talk to you guys sooner than later...

Bye 4 Now."


Hilary Duff's Early Birthday Present

Hilary Duff's expectations were low when Mike Comrie called recently to say he'd picked out an early 20th birthday present (her birthday is not until the 28th) for her and said that he hoped she'd like them.

hilary duff and mike comrie"Okay, it's shoes or something," Duff recalled thinking as she went to her sister's house, where Comrie had said he left the present in the garage. "I opened the garage, and I was just like shocked, just standing there."

Before her, with a big red bow on top, was a Mercedes-Benz G-class SUV (retail price: more than $100,000).

Duff, whose birthday is next week, told PEOPLE at the Chanel and P.S. Arts Party at Chanel in Beverly Hills on Thursday that she had unwittingly put the idea for a new car in his head. Comrie, who plays for the New York Islanders, didn't know what to get her: then one day he heard her talking about her transportation needs.

"I was planning on getting a big car and I drive a big car anyway, and I was just like, ?You know maybe I like the G-Wagen,' and then I was like, ?No, maybe I like the [Porsche] Cayenne,' " says Duff, whose manager steered her away from the Porsche, reminding her that she was a "terrible driver" and "didn't need that kind of power."

"I've driven it tons," Duff said of her birthday present. "When I called him I was like, ?You're crazy! It's perfect!' "

So will the next present fit on her wedding finger?

"The rock?!" Duff said. "No, stop it!"

Hilarys present; Mercedes G-Wagon.

Hilary Duff Mercedes Birthday Present

2 nya filmer

The first is called "Safety Glass"

A reporter is sent to cover the Challenger Space Shuttle launch only to become mixed up in the lives of some local high schoolers.

The second movie, which is news, is called "Greta." It's a script that Hilary has had for 3 years, and is now finally going to star in. The filming is happening very soon - September and October.

Spännande eller hur :)

Hilarys hud

People's StyleWatch is playing "Guess Whose Skin is This?" and have included this gorgeous shot of Hilary Duff. Lovely!!

This picture is a part of a new campaign for Vaseline that Hilary Duff is a part of. The campaign is called "Skin is Amazing" and stars picked their favorite body part to have shot for the campaign. Hilary Duff picked her shoulder.

The campaign hits magazines next month.

Hilary lyxar till det för Lola

Hilary ger sin hund Lola riktigt star treatment på turné! Special room service, bara för Lola, så sött :)

Hilary Duff, walking through the lobby of dog-friendly Nine Zero Hotel in Boston with her Chihuahua Lola. From the doggie room service menu, Duff ordered several Ambassador Kissie-Face Frappes - canine concoctions of blended raspberries, yogurt, honey, banana and cinnamon, all delivered on a silver tray.

Favorit örhängen

Hilary verkar ha ett par favoritörhängen nämligen CC SKYE  "Large Gold Bamboo Earrings".

Det är 18 K guld i dom och dom är moderna och eleganta.

XM Radio

En bild på Hilary backstage på XM Radio när dom spelar in "Dignity Diaries".

5 Minuter med Hilary

Here is a quick 5-minute interview with Hilary Duff conducted by The Independent:

If I weren?t talking to you right now I?d be ?

At home with my dogs, or swimming because the weather is really hot.

I wish people would take more notice of ?

My work, instead of my personal life. It seems all people want to know about is what I?m doing in my free time.

The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was?

I guess my career itself - most of all my first two tours. I had never been on tour before and I didn?t know people cared about my music.

A common misperception of me is ?

That people think I am perfect, and not a normal person. Young people my age that have the same sort of careers seem to be always acting crazy. Because I am not pictured doing these things, I am criticised for being too perfect. But if I was I would be criticised too.

I?m not a politician but ?

There are so many issues in America. Our involvement in the war is the most obvious, and also the way some people are treated. I would also change the weekends to workdays, and have the whole week as a weekend, then I?d be a popular politician, wouldn?t I?

I?m good at ?

Baking, my special is cookies. I?m also good athlete, and a good friend.

I?m very bad at ?

Driving. My garage sometimes jumps out at me. The other day I heard a scratch as I was pulling my car out. I thought I just ran over some bubble wrap so I kept going. When I got out, I saw my mirror was hanging off. Everyone is scared to get in the car with me.

The ideal night out is ?

It depends on my mood. Last night my sister and I just stayed in and had a meal, had a swim and watched a film, and it was so nice to just chill out. Other times I want to dance and stay out late.

The best age to be is ?

I don?t know, but I think 23-24 will be cool.

In a nutshell, my philosophy is ?

Live and let live. If we could all forget our egos and realise we all want the same things we would all be a lot happier.


AOL Red has named Hilary Duff as #13 in the Top 20 Guilty Pleasures

We know Hilary Duff?s not going to win any awards or anything for her music (at least no Grammys), but how can you not belt out ?Come Clean? considering you KNOW you have every word memorized? Or is that just us ??

Hilary goes blonde

Jag älskar Hilarys honungsfärgade hår. Det är så vackert, jag hoppas hon blir helt blond någon dag snart. Hon invigde sitt hår i Minneapolis Onsdag 22 Augusti.

Hilary Duff på Top 10 Bikini Bods

Daily 10 har en lista på Top 10 Bikini Bodies för veckan - Hilary är nummer två!!

  1. Jessica Biel
  2. tied: Hilary Duff & Eva Longoria
  3. Beyonce
  4. Evangeline Lilly
  5. Leann Rimes
  6. Rihanna
  7. Jessica Alba
  8. Kim Kardashian
  9. Cameron Diaz
  10. Lindsay Lohan

Kolla videon här:

20th Anniversary Party for Kentucky & USA Harvest

Hilary var på 20th Anniversary Party for Kentucky & USA Harvest i Open Hand Kitchen i Society of St. Vincent de Paul i Louisville den 25 Augusti.

Earlier, at the lunch, Curtis said of Duff that "any father in the world would be proud to have her as a daughter."

Duff, near tears, called the other people in the room ? most of them program volunteers or donors ? "inspirations."

"I?m overwhelmed to be in a room of so many accomplished adults," she said, adding that she got involved with the program because her mother raised her to "stand for something."

Video här:


Here is an interview with Hilary Duff from 24 Hours, a Vancouver free paper. Hilary was interviewed by Buzz Bishop, who used to be a DJ on Z95.3 before it shut down recently, and who is an ardent Duff fan himself:

24hrs: What?s it like being young in Hollywood? Are there people dragging you into trouble, or do you have to go and find it?

Hilary: It?s everywhere, it?s really easy to find it. I love L.A. I live there, it?s my home, but it?s really easy to lose yourself in that town. You have to really know what you believe in and stick with it and have good friends.

24hrs: So being focused on yourself and what you want to put out there has kept your head above it?

Hilary: That and my family. I don?t like to live very publicly, like so many people do. I feel like I?ve worked so much as it is, I want privacy.

24hrs: For most of us, running into an ex at the mall would be painful. How is it for you to see your ex (Joel Madden with new girlfriend Nicole Richie) paraded across the tvs and tabloids this week?

Hilary: It?s not really a problem for me to deal with it. I want them to be happy. Joel and I ended on very good terms and we ended knowing that it was the right thing to do and it made us both happy. So it?s not hard for me to see it.

24hrs: You still balance music and movies very well. You?ve got three more movie projects coming down the line, including War Inc (with Ben Kingsley and John Cusack) set to debut at the Toronto Film Festival. You?ve said this role is controversial. What?s it all about?

Hilary: It?s a dark comedy. It?s about war and how Americans go into a place and blow it up and take it over and try to act like heroes. It?s pretty messed up. I play this over-sexed pop star that has a big spark, but not much to back it up. One thing that was so much fun about doing this movie, is that it?s nothing like who I am. It?s nothing like my music, I look totally different in it. It?s an artsy independent movie and getting to work with all those people was a treat.

24hrs: When did you become a hockey fan?

Hilary: I don?t know anything about hockey.

24hrs: Well, with Mike Comrie (NY Islanders) on your arm in some photos, you?re going to have to learn something.

Hilary: Do you want to give me a crash course?

24hrs: Get down to Vancouver and get a good Canucks jersey on your back!

Hilary: (laughs) Okay.

Hilary Shines

Here is a fabulous picture of Hilary Duff doing her charity work at the Herb Jamieson Centre:

"The Hope Mission was a priority and we wanted to lend a hand," she said after completing her kitchen shift. "It?s so rewarding for me. I love to get down and dirty and help out."?

"A big misconception of charity work and celebrities is that it takes a lot of money," she said. "It doesn?t take a lot of money. Your time is the best thing you can give."

Hilary serverar lunch

Hilary Duff serving lunch at Herb Jamieson on August 1st. Hilary Duff stopped at the Hope Mission to do some charity work - she has a 3-year partnership with Alberta Harvest and asks all concert goers to bring a food donation.

Hilary Duff is used to people waiting to get her autograph, but yesterday morning they got in line for a helping of coleslaw from the popular singer and actress.

Duff, former star of the TV series Lizzie Maguire, was in Edmonton for last night?s concert at Rexall Place. She popped by the downtown Hope Mission earlier in the day to volunteer as a server in the lunch line?

While a few of the homeless men at the shelter wondered who Duff was, most were glad to see her don a Hope Mission apron and kitchen hat?

"We?ve had such a huge response and gotten to feed so many people, especially in Canada. It?s nice to see that people want to help," said Duff.

Calling homelessness and hunger "such an easy problem that can be fixed," she added: "If people were just a little more compassionate and caring and gave their time, it doesn?t take a lot of money."

Besides serving up lunch, Duff, who is particularly popular with young girls, also met with a few lucky fans whose parents work at the mission?

"It?s awesome because it brings awareness to a whole new market of kids who love her and might not have heard of our work before," she said.

Hilary Strong

To date, Duff is one of scant few members of Hollywood?s new guard who have yet to be arrested, shipped off to rehab, or caught flashing their lady parts to paparazzi while clumsily exiting a limo?

So what is it that keeps Duff ? already a show-biz veteran at the tender age of 19 ? out of the scandal sheets and in the public?s good books?

"I guess it?s my mom," says Duff, while being driven to her home in L.A. "I really feel like that is what has made it so easy for me to not have to go through all that.

"My mom and my sister being so close to me, and my actually caring what they have to say ? Also having a mom that doesn?t want the lifestyle I have, but who just wants to be my mom."

She?s definitely on to something there. While your typical train-wreck celebs (think Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Nick Carter) tend to have parents who are just as fame-hungry as they are, those lucky enough not to be dogged by scandal (think Justin Timberlake, Mandy Moore, and ? uh, see how hard this?) usually have guardians content to offer support from the sidelines.

Perhaps we have Duff?s mom to thank for the perky pop star?s preternatural poise, which seems a bit at odds with the awkward antics she engaged in on the Lizzie Maguire set back in the day.

"Well, in some ways I was a lot like that character, but I?ve also always been pretty mature for my age," says Duff, when asked which persona ? clumsy klutz or dignified diva ? most resembles the real-life Hilary.

Not that she?s looking to show all her cards anytime soon. A far more private person than her compatriots, Duff says she found it difficult to air some of her dirty laundry on Dignity, which sees her riffing on a failed relationship, her parents? recent divorce, and a stalker jailed for harassing her in 2006.

"At first it was scary, because you?re like, ?How much do I want people to know?? " explains Duff, who?s been romantically linked to Aaron Carter and Good Charlotte frontman Joel Madden. "It?s hard to let your guard down when you?re so used to having it up, but it got easier."

That practice should prove beneficial where Duff?s acting career is concerned, especially since it?s the outlet she plans to focus on whenever doubling as an actress and a singer grows too demanding?

"It?s that instant gratification of having a live audience in front of you," Duff says, when asked what recording offers that acting doesn?t. "Having people who don?t even speak the same language as you relating to you, and singing all the words to your songs."


Duff says the role of an eastern European pop star is quite a departure for her.

"She is a little girl inside that never really had a chance to grow up and never had a childhood, that puts on this front of being this like overtly sexual, like in your face, intense get what you want (person) by like using her body and knowing how to work guys," says Duff in a recent interview. "But she?s really not that person at all, and she hates that she is, but doesn?t know how to be any other way."

The character is involved with a group of powerful men, and is set to marry the son of one of them.

"They keep her protected in kind of like this crazy war zone," says Duff. "She does what she wants, and does what they want and is very controlled by them and she is desperate to get to America.

"As serious as I just made that sound, she has very, like, redeeming qualities and you get to see the part of her that makes you kind of pull for her.

"The movie is very funny but it?s also very serious in a way that you?re just like wow, that?s so messed up. It?s very political, very controversial. It?s great. I actually just saw it. It?s a very creative John Cusack movie.

"It was just such a life-changing experience for me. It was such a departure from anything I?ve ever done."

Duff said the War, Inc. role was hard to do at first, "but then it became really fun. I just got to be a totally different girl and John really gave me the confidence to do that.

"It?s scary . . . as I get older, to take roles and to do things that challenge me. I guess I just have to understand that?s not me . . . it?s a character that I?m playing."

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